
Ozio Royal Jelly Cream 75g


Exp Date : 2023/05
Made in Japan 產地:日本

Strengthen Moisturizing | Maintain Elasticity | Fight Against Aging
A variety of luxurious beauty ingredients make wrinkles smooth. It is researched and developed by Kyoto University Chemical Research Institute X Osaka City University Research Institute, and added the beauty ingredient Nahlsgen, which can strengthen anti-aging.

  • Contains Royal Jelly, Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen
  • Deep Moisturizing, Anti-wrinkling, Repairing
  • 52 kinds of Beauty Ingredients including Honey, Sage, Aloe, Ginseng essence etc.
  • 6 main skin care functions including: Lotion, Toner, Serum, Face cream, Moisture mask and Make-up base
  • Can be used in mornings and nights, care your skin in a simply way

加强保湿 | 保持弹性| 对抗衰老
多種奢華美容成分, 讓撫皺有感覺。由京都大學化學研究所X大阪市立大學研究所研究開發而來,並添加美容成分Nahlsgen,可以加強對抗老化。

  • 含有蜂王浆、透明质酸和胶原蛋白深层保湿、抗皱、修护
  • 52种美容成分,包括蜂蜜、鼠尾草、芦荟、人参精华等。
  • 6种主要护肤功能包括:乳液、爽肤水、精华素、面霜、保湿面膜和底妆
  • 早晚皆可使用,简单呵护肌肤


HOW TO USE/使用方法:
The recommended dosage is about the size of a 1-yuan coin in the morning and a 10-yuan coin in the evening. It is important to use an adequate serving size each time!
Step1: Warm the gel in the palm of your hand, and then gently apply it all over your face.
Step2: From the bottom to the top of the face, from the inside to the outside, massage the gel over the entire face in a lifting manner.
Step3: Gently press with your fingertips on areas that are prone to dryness, such as around the eyes or the corners of the mouth.
Step4: Don’t forget the neck, which is easy to show age, and massage the neck gently from bottom to top.
Step5: Finally, apply hot compress with the palm of your hand for about 5 seconds, then let the entire palm cover the entire face, and press gently for about 5 seconds.
Step1: 以手心稍將凝露溫熱後,溫柔地塗抹全臉。
Step2: 由臉部下方到上方,內側到外側,將凝露以拉提的方式按摩全臉。
Step3: 以指尖輕柔按壓眼周或嘴角等容易乾燥的部位。
Step4: 容易顯現年齡的頸部也別忘了,由下往上輕柔地按摩頸部。
Step5: 最後,用手心熱敷約5秒鐘,再讓整個手心包覆全臉,輕輕地按押約5秒鐘。

Ceramide, Glutinous rice extract, Izumo spring water, Apple extract, Grape leaf extract, Peony root extract, Chinese herbaceous peony extract, Lemon, Ginseng root extract, Grapefruit extract, Sage extract, Lyme juice, Orange juice, Aloe Vera extract.


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Ozio Royal Jelly Cream 75g